Adrian Grycuk / Wikipedia


Adrian Grycuk / Wikipedia

The European court of human rights (ECHR) has written to Russian authorities in the murder of politician Boris Nemtsov. About this in his Telegram channel said the head of the international human rights group “Agora” Pavel Chikov.

In particular, the ECtHR asked the Russian authorities questions about the effectiveness of the investigation and asked them to provide a copy of the entire criminal case. According to chikova, we are talking about absence of proof of motive, the failure to identify all those involved in the killing of persons and the wrong skill acts.

The daughter of Boris Nemtsov Jeanne appealed to the ECHR with a complaint to his murder in the summer of 2015. Lawyer Vadim Prokhorov explained that the issue concerns a possible violation by Russian authorities of a number of articles of the European Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the protection is to achieve recognition of the fact that Nemtsov was killed for political reasons.

Co-Chairman of the Parnas party and a former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Boris Nemtsov was shot dead on February 27, 2015, on the Big Moskvoretsky bridge, in the vicinity of the Kremlin. The killer fired six bullets in the back Nemtsov, four of them reached the goal. Then the killer fled in a car sidekick. Nemtsov died on the spot from the received wounds in front of his companion – Ukrainian model Anna Duritskaya.

The investigation lasted more than a year. The investigative Committee said on its completion in June 2016. Materials in respect of five suspects have been transferred to the Prosecutor for approval of the indictment and sending the case to court. Case concerning organizers and customers of murder is allocated in separate manufacture.

Consideration of the criminal case, the court began on 3 October 2016. At the request of the accused, the case was considered by the jury. June 29, the jury found all five defendants guilty and not deserving indulgence.

The greatest period in the end received the former Deputy commander of the Chechen battalion “Sever”, were part of the internal troops of the interior Ministry, Zaur Dadayev, which the court found the executor of murder. He was sentenced to 20 years in a strict regime colony. Dadaev also stripped of his rank of Lieutenant and state awards – the order of Courage. The Moscow district military court has appointed to it the penalty in 100 thousand roubles, finding no grounds for assigning it a restriction of freedom after serving the sentence.

Anzor Gubareva, the court has appointed punishment in the form of 19 years. His brother Shadid Gubarev got on the court for 16 years, Temirlan Eskerkhanov 14 years, Khamzat – 11 years of strict regime colony. All the defendants were fined 100 thousand rubles. They appointed additional punishment in the form of two years of restriction of freedom after serving the primary sentence.

Eskerhanova the court denied special rank of Lieutenant of police. At the same time, when deciding the court considered that the defendants in what reprehensible has not been noticed, have positive characteristics and young children.

The daughter of the murdered politician Nemtsov Jeanne, public figures and the international community believe that the case remained unsolved. Jeanne Nemtsov stressed that “the investigation has not even managed to find” Ruslan Muhudinov, the driver of former commander convicted Zaur Dadaev Ruslan Eremeev, who was charged in absentia in the murder of Nemtsov.

Nemtsov noted that the result “almost certainly” established that Eremeev, a confidant of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, was the eldest in a criminal group, but wanted it not declared an absentee and no charges were filed. In addition, “the investigation and trial were extremely stubborn in his rejection of political murder”, said Nemtsov’s daughter.

Meanwhile, uncle Ruslan Eremeev Suleiman is a member of the Federation Council from the Chechen Republic. Ruslan muhudinov, which is officially declared by the customer and the organizer of the murder, is listed in the international wanted list since November 2015. In June of 2018, the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) in conjunction with the FSB again took up the investigation of the murder of Nemtsov. However, about any concrete progress in the case was not reported.

Only in early February, 2019 Deputy Chairman of the TFR Igor Krasnov told about some success in finding the customer of the murder, but said to take them to the public prematurely. He noted that the information can reach the defendants in the investigation, and they need not “present all the details of our work on the silver platter”.

Meanwhile, the Committee of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on legal Affairs and human rights urged the Russian authorities to continue the investigation of the murder, because the full truth was not disclosed. Thus, the Russian investigation was not able to find and to adduce video evidence possible, including data of Federal service of protection (FSO), which is responsible for the security of the Kremlin, did not interview witnesses, appeared on the bridge after the murder. There are also inconsistencies in the forensic examination relating to discovered of bullets and cartridge cases, as well as injuries sustained Nemtsov.

In addition, there are inconsistencies and contradictions in the testimony of witnesses, and the trial was allowed a number of violations. The motive for the probable customer of murder of Ruslan Muhudinov, according to PACE, “not supported by any evidence.” And the Chairman of the investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin and Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor grin bear personal responsibility for the investigative fiasco and the weakness of the official version.