The man hit with a brick and tried to finish a knife.
In Kharkov, an attack on the official “harkovoblenergo” / Illustration –

In Kharkov unknown made an attack on the Deputy General Director for Economics and General investments of JSC “Kharkivoblenergo” Dmitry Isaev. Now the victim is in intensive care.

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About it reports “Depo.Kharkiv”, citing an informed source in law enforcement bodies.

According to the source, 12 January at 17:40 in Kamyshlinsky the police Department of Kharkiv received a message from the nurse of city hospital No. 17 on delivered a man with multiple stab wounds. Militiamen identified the personality of the victim.

The wife of the victim said that a man came to the house at about 16:20, called her and went to the entrance. There he made the attack.

It is established that attacking was two. One of them hit Isayev with a brick, the other was repeatedly stabbed. Money and valuables unknown to take tried. The scene seized evidence – a knife and a brick, which hit the man.

Now Isaev operated, is in the intensive care unit of the hospital. He was diagnosed with a fracture of the crown and numerous stab wounds to the torso.

Data on incident are brought in eRDR with qualifications “finished attempt at the murder made by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion”. Investigations are continuing.

Earlier it was reported that in the Kharkiv region in the result of collision of the minibus and the car four people were killed and another 11 were hospitalized.