The President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky during the working visit to Odessa on July 13 ordered to cancel in 2 months environmental screening ships. Experts are sounding the alarm.
About what will turn the sensational initiative of the President, said in a Facebook blogger Serg Marco reports “Диалог.UA”.
Zelensky on Saturday, July 13, visited Odessa. There he ordered the authorities to cancel ecoprovince ships in the Black sea until the new Parliament does not approve a new, more transparent regulation of environmental activities.
“Nobody will suffer from this for 2 months“, – said the President. Ecoinspectors on it and he aptly replied,”Except for dolphins and the environment of the Black sea“.
“The sea is dirty, “said Zelensky on it.
Serg, Marco explained what will turn a new initiative of the President.
“As you know, the ships, entering the ports, do not dump fecal matter and other wastes technical functioning of the ship in port. It is forbidden. You need to evacuate from the ship all this ha***has that is done by the appropriate services. Yes, it costs money. But this is followed, as failure to comply with these rules will lead to environmental disaster. Because the ship is not ahtoska in the small Marina. This mastodon – if empty in water near the shore, then Oh***s everything. Now the ships in the beach season was allowed to throw all into the water, saving on expensive services. In General, in Odessa I this season probably will not go. Better in the sea of Azov buys,” stated the blogger.
Volunteer Simon Kubakaev, for its part, called the initiative Zelensky “sabotage at the highest level”.
A good-will Ambassador for UNDP in Ukraine Pavel Visibaba writes about the order Zelensky: “This is the moment you’ve all feared: when the incompetence of the President and the desire for easy solutions can have serious negative consequences. Please urgently respond to the Ministry of environment and SEI – explain Zelensky, where the end of his powers, and what consequences may cause complete anarchy in the ports.”
We will remind, earlier “Диалог.UA” reported that Nude Zelensky and Bogdan surprised Odessa to the campers opened their mouths in surprise.