During the rally, the protesters poured on the pavement a pile of bones of animals, stressing that the bones symbolize the fact that high-rise building near the Dolphinarium “Nemo” on the beach Langeron, “and the whole city is now built on the bones of people.”
In Odessa, the activists held an action “Dolphinarium on the bones” with the requirement to stop construction on Boom where the worker was killed / Photo: “Infoport”

In the center of Odessa activists during protests “Dolphinarium on the bones” demanded to stop construction on Boom, where on 12 January due to a rollover lifting crane worker was killed.

As UNIAN correspondent, today in the evening representatives of various public organizations and parties came to the Duma square, to the city hall building.

The action was attended by members of the “National corps,” “Green sheet”, the “Democratic Alliance”, etc. They said that was going to share “the Dolphin bones,” in the hands of social activists held a large poster of the same name.

During the rally, organized on the principle of an open microphone, participants of the protest action was out on the pavement a pile of bones of animals, stressing that the bones symbolize the fact that high-rise building near the Dolphinarium “Nemo” on the beach Langeron, “and the whole city is now built on the bones of people.”

“The building, which is actively, despite the bad weather and ice, built by the Deputy from “Trust business” by Andrew Kislovsky cost of human life. The person who was not officially employed, and death, who tried to hide” – said the activists.

As stressed by the representative of the organization “Green leaf” Vladislav Balinsky, the incident at Langeron suggests that, during the forthcoming elections in the city will be extremely difficult to ensure the security of citizens. In particular, he reminded the audience that the private security company, “Zeus” started shooting, when the activists arrived on the specified site after the death of the worker.

“A crime has occurred that is likely to punish only the crane operator, who, as far as we know, refused to work, but he was forced,” said Balinsky.

See also Kiev dismantled the building of a Dolphinarium of “Nemo” (photo)

According to the representative of the organization “Save the Odessa yourself,” Yuri Nikitin, in addition to the illegality of the construction of the inaction of the police, leaving a person in danger – the victim is assumed to be still living many hours spent on the ground, etc.

“All this is the result of legal nihilism. In the city we need to change local government,” – said Nikitin.

In turn, the representative of the “Democratic Alliance” Yury Dyachenko said that the construction on Boom – “nachalstvo”, and activists have exhausted all legitimate mechanisms for this construction to stop.

After the rally, the activists signed a petition to the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov, in which they demand to stop the construction of high rise buildings near the Dolphinarium.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on January 12 in Odessa on the site near the Dolphinarium “Nemo” in the fall of a construction crane worker was killed.

After learning about the incident, in the evening to a construction site was attended by representatives of various public organizations. Arrived at the spot, the police and the private security Agency who was pushed from a platform of journalists and activists. The guards fired several shots into the air. Law enforcement officers at the shooting did not react. The next day it became known that the deaths of a man and shooting open criminal proceedings.

In Odessa repeatedly held protests due to the construction of high-rise buildings near the Dolphinarium “Nemo”.