The court of Chernomorsk justified the Pro-Russian participants of the Odessa tragedy of may 2

Media reports suggest that the justified will immediately be detained in another case


City court of Chernomorsk fully met the group of 20 anti-Maidan supporters who were accused of organizing and participating in mass riots on may 2 , 2014 in the center of Odessa, writes the Duma.

The five defendants in custody were released.

Acquittal of a panel of judges, chaired by Philip Crane read hours.

The court stated that the evidence of guilt of the accused Sergey Dolzhenkov and others, the Prosecutor introduced: “there is No evidence to support the accusation. Moreover, the prosecution didn’t even try to prove guilt.”

The result, according to the judges, was conducted badly. For example, the Greek and the shopping center “Athens” examined only two weeks after the tragedy.

The panel refused to take into account the testimony of the main prosecution witness Alexander Pismichenko because of inherent contradictions, as well as prosecutors presented photos and video footage as it copies, not the originals. But were attached photographs of a witness by the defense Oleksandr Lesyk. Taken into account and his evidence that Pro-Russian activists were unarmed and “beach shoes”, but Pro-Ukrainian – armed to the teeth, well-organized, “and some were pinned tattoo of a swastika”.

Also recognized as inadmissible evidence protocols of identification of defendants witness, Pismichenko. First, he identified them from photographs and not in person, which is a violation. In addition, for purposes of identification except a photo of the accused was accompanied by photos of the famous Hollywood actors and footballer David Beckham – the court finds that it was done on purpose to Posnichenko was easier to “know” the same Dolzhenkova.

“The prosecution failed to disprove the allegation of the defence that the accused was just helping the police to maintain order,” – said in the verdict.

Separately emphasized that the prosecution is politically biased: sitting in the dock only the Pro-Russian participants of the tragic events, despite the fact that most of the victims and injured their colleagues. The only defendant from the Ukrainian side – Serhiy Kodiak, but he was released under pressure from activists.

After the announcement of the court decision, approximately at 16:33 into the courtroom came the prosecutors and the SBU, members of the press were asked to leave. Journalists suggest that Dolzhenkova and others would be detained on another case. The building is cordoned off by officers of the national guard and police. Next are activists of the Patriotic organizations.

We will remind, on may 2, 2014 in Odessa as a result of mass riots involving Pro-Russian and Pro-Ukrainian activists were killed 48 people, injured about 300. Clashes broke out in the city centre, where he was shot and killed several people. Then Pro-Ukrainian activists gathered on Kulikovo field, which was located at tent camp separatists. The tent caught fire, the fire started in the House of trade unions, which also killed people.

On a dock – 19 players, 5 of whom are in jail. Another person involved – Vladislav Ilnitsky in August fled to the Russian Federation.