The company, controlled by Kurchenko, the export of anthracite coal from Donbas – media

Coal under Russian brand travels to Europe
In July 2017 from Russia exported to Europe for about 267 thousand tons of coal, illegally exported from the occupied districts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
This is evidenced by the Railways and the Federal customs service, said .
The largest exporters of Ukrainian coal company was the “Gas Alliance”, controlled by Sergei Kurchenko.
In July of the ports, the company exported more than 50 thousand tons of anthracite. All volumes were illegally exported South Ossetian company “CJSC Vneshtorgservis”, which was later reissued on GAZ-Alliance.
Another company Kurchenko – “petroleum capital” exported from Russia, 32 thousand tons of coal previously removed from the Donbass. Buyers of coal could not be established.
The company “Russian anthracite” exported 34 thousand tons of anthracite. Almost all the volumes have been delivered to the address Grecoal Hong Kong Limited, controlled by brothers Alexander and Sergey Melnichuk.
Another company, which co-owner is Alexander Melnychuk, – “OOO Coal technologies” exported about 15 thousand tons of anthracite in July.
To address Yorkland Merchants Limited (registered in Hong Kong in October 2016) in July delivered more than 29 thousand tons of Ukrainian anthracite. Of this amount directly to Russian Railways logistics has set an offshore company 9 thousand tons.
The Russian TD “Anthracite” under Ukrainian sanctions, brought from Russia more than 31 thousand tons of coal. All volumes are supplied for Carbon and Natural Resources corp Ltd. TD Anthracite is registered to a resident of the Rostov region Alexander socks.
July JSC “Vneshtorgservis” discontinued on overhead Railways, importing coal from the temporarily occupied territories. The company continues to deliver on the occupied territory of Donbass coking coal and iron ore. The company also exports finished steel products.
More than 70% of the coal illegally removed from occupied areas of the Donbas to Russia in the future, all export two companies associated with his brothers Alexander and Sergey Melnichuk. The first works in “LC”, “Deputy energy Minister”, the second legally sell coal to Ukraine-controlled.
Recall that Nasalik said, when Ukraine will be able to opt out of anthracite.