The ban on the purchase of domestic milk in Ukraine delayed for six months

He was supposed to come into force from January
The agriculture Ministry has postponed the entry into force of the new ISO 3662:2015 “Milk-sirovina Korov yache. Technon umovi” until July 1, 2018.
Ukraine had to withdraw from the purchase of domestic milk from January 2018.
This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Deferment will be used to create a stepped system of transformation of requirements to quality of milk as raw material, hygienic requirements for dairy products during production and processing. The use of domestic milk (milk of the second class) will be limited after a two-year transition period, but it can be purchased for the manufacture of animal feed or casein.
- See ALSO: Agriculture 10.0. Whether Ukraine will be able to integrate into the agriculture of the future
At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture believe that to improve the quality of milk to the first is not so difficult. It is necessary to observe rules of hygiene, using clean containers, milking machines, which need to be kept clean.Cows should be subject to veterinary care.
Milk of first grade is more expensive by about two hryvnia and is in high demand. Now its share in the total purchases is 15.5%.
The ultimate goal of the order, developed in the agriculture Ministry, remains the same – transition to standard 100/400 (milk of extra-class) conforming to European regulations.
We will remind, the Cabinet proposes to celebrate the Day of a farmer.