Advance team of experts from the world health organization (who) coronavirus NCP arrived in China.

  • Reuters

It is reported by the who on his Twitter page, referring to the statement of the head of the organization Tedros Adhanom of Gebreyesus.

“The advanced group of experts who have just arrived in China. It is headed by Dr. Aylward”, — stated in the message.

“2⃣ An advance team of WHO experts has just arrived in 🇨🇳, led by Dr. Bruce Aylward, to lay the groundwork for the larger intl. team.

Bruce & colleagues will be working with their 🇨🇳 counterparts to make sure we have the right expertise to answer the right questions”-@DrTedros

— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) February 10, 2020

The statement clarifies that the group “will pave the way for larger international team.”

Earlier, Ghebreyesus said that the spread of a new type of coronavirus outside of China may be accelerating.

Read more about the situation with coronavirus at RT.