rafapress / DepositPhotos
rafapress / DepositPhotos
In the Telegram, said the news site Hong Kong Free Press that the messenger intends to reject the data requests from Hong Kong authorities until, until you reach international consensus in relation to recent political changes.
“We understand the importance of protecting the right to privacy of our users in Hong Kong under such circumstances,” said head support Telegram Michael Ravdonikas (Markus Ra).
Currently the Hong Kong authorities started to ban the social networks and messengers. This is due to the recent passage of a controversial national security law.
Journalists have not received an answer to the question of the satisfaction of the authorities from the courts of other States. Ravdonikas said only that the Telegram was never divulged any information to the authorities of Hong Kong.
“If Telegram will receive the decision of the court, where it is confirmed that you are suspected of involvement in terrorist activities, we may disclose your IP address, and telephone number of the competent authorities,” added Ravdonikas.
However, terrorism in the new law is interpreted quite broadly. In article 24 of this law, terrorism is defined as “participation, planning, implementation or participation in implementation of acts, which cause or are aimed at causing serious public harm, to threaten Chinese or Hong Kong governments, international organizations, or society.” Human rights activists argue that the wording of the terrorism law is too vague and includes even acts of vandalism against public property. In this case, the authorities can begin to pursue terrorists even as demonstrators and opposition members, writing slogans on the walls.
TG Info noted that the Telegram’s official channel @Transparency still has not been updated nor has any publication since its inception. He appeared in the privacy Policy update messenger in 2018. The channel @Transparency initiated in order to preserve the transparency of all events associated with the delivery of information to intelligence agencies of different countries, reports the Internet-the edition “Code Durov”.
From the moment the Telegram had undertaken to give data users only by court order and only on specific individuals. If the user is suspected of terrorism, he will not have to worry about losing data.
The national security law of Hong Kong in force on June 30. It sets out the obligations of the Central government of the PRC and the responsibility of the authorities of Hong Kong for the national security of the special administrative region. The law provides for punishment of four main types of crime: separatist activities and undermining state power, terrorist activities, conspiracy with foreign States, or abroad, with the aim of undermining national security.
The law provides for the maximum penalties for these offences are life imprisonment. It is, for example, threatens the activities in the interests of other States or publication outlining “Antipinsky” point of view.
In addition, under the new law in Hong Kong will begin operations departments of the security organs of the PRC.
Police have warned that Hong Kong activists, who would distribute and display materials in support of independence, will be subject to arrest and prosecution. And in may, the head of administration of Hong Kong Carrie Lam said that the police may get more powers to monitor social networks in order to fight “false and malicious information” and “rumors”.
Immediately after the entry into force of the new national security law in Hong Kong arrested more than 370 participants in anti-government actions. Among them at least four men and four women suspected of directly in violation of the new law.
The decision on the adoption of the law on Hong Kong sparked a wave of criticism of Beijing from the United States and Western countries, Washington imposed visa restrictions against Chinese officials. In addition, the United States announced the cessation of exports to Hong Kong U.S. military goods and dual-use technologies. And the U.S. Department of Commerce does not preclude the imposition of additional sanctions.