According to the head of the party “people’s Force”, German law enforcement officers present at the transaction, took taken the bullet.
The operation lasted several hours / photo of the Duma

Today, January 11, in Munich (Germany) surgery to remove a bullet from his lung the leader of the Odessa city organization of the party “people’s Force” Oleg Mikhailik, who in September 2018, was assassinated, was successful.

This was stated by the head of the specified political forces Alexander Solontay.

“In the morning in Germany was operated and removed a bullet from the lungs Oleg Mikhailik. The operation lasted several hours and was more complicated than planned, but fortunately, was successful. Oleg under the supervision of doctors and is now under the anesthesia,” Solontay said.

According to him, German law enforcement officers present at the transaction, took taken the bullet.

As reported by the former Deputy Chairman of the Odessa regional state administration (under Mikhail Saakashvili) Alexander Borovik, light Mikhailik “work perfectly”, but the surgeons had to remove part of the living tissue as the bullet was deep and close to the artery.

“This will not affect his life and physical condition. Will be able to run a marathon if I want,” – said Borovik.

Read cachedel Mikhailik: police and GPU gave to Germany the necessary documents

As reported the UNIAN, 22 September 2018 in the center of Odessa on Mikhailik was assassinated. He received a penetrating gunshot wound to the shoulder and thorax area. On suspicion of attempted murder police have detained three citizens of Georgia who, according to police, are members of an ethnic organized criminal group. The court arrested them without the right of bail, but later changed the measure of restraint from detention in jail to house arrest one of those arrested – Tornike Agladze (Gerasimo) – the invalid of the first group.

Lawyers Mikhailik initially insisted on carrying out overseas operations to extract the bullets remaining in the body of the activist.

In early December, the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko declared that the consequence expects when foreign colleagues will give to Ukrainian law enforcement officers retrieved the bullet. In the national police and the GPU promised to provide all the necessary documents.

12 December in Kiev held a meeting Mikhailik with the Ambassador of Germany in Ukraine Ernst Reichel, and it became known that the operation will be in Germany, and the German side will pay all the expenses.

However, in early January of this year Mikhailik said about delaying Ukrainian law enforcers paperwork to ensure the legitimacy of the transfer of the bullet will withdraw from his body.

Surgery was scheduled for the morning of January 9, but was postponed due to the lack of documents that are waiting in Germany.

As reported in Facebook former Deputy Chairman of the Odessa regional state administration (under Mikhail Saakashvili) Alexander Borovik, the operation Mikhailik will do in a leading clinic of Munich, and the Munich Institute of criminal medicine will conduct an independent examination of the bullet.

10 Jan Mikhailik UNIAN reported that the operation is scheduled for the morning of 11 January, and, according to him, as of Thursday afternoon, the necessary documents to the German militiamen were reported.

Today in Ukraine declared that all necessary documents are sent to Germany and the bullet extracted.