To get under the bottom of the car mechanics usually use a special pit or a lift. With the new Jack “Its a Jack” this operation will become much easier and more affordable for normal car owners.
Made of powder-coated steel, the Jack is fitted with a sloping platform on which the car drives the front wheels. After they are securely fastened with cable winch, hand operated to lift one side of the car to the desired angle.
According to the developer, the vehicle weighing up to 3.5 tons can be tilted to an angle of 80 degrees in just five minutes. In the process of tilting is not created, load on the chassis or wheel bearings, and the elongation of the Jack protects the car from tipping over.
Get acquainted with “Its a Jack” on Kickstarter and making a pledge of $ 1,000 – even become its owner. In retail sales it will become more expensive for $ 500.
Source — Kickstarter