According to the press-Secretary of Lukashenko, Russian President himself asked for such a gift.
Each of the bags of potatoes for cooking specific dishes / Screenshot2print of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko gave the Russian President Vladimir Putin fat and four bags of “super-elite potatoes”.
About it the press Secretary of the President of Belarus Natalia Eismont told the TV channel Belarus 1, BelTA informs.
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“The best, super elite potato with the presidential vegetable garden,” said Eismont. According to her, the potatoes were brought “on special order”.
According to her, the Russian President himself asked for such a gift in answer to the question of Lukashenka, which he wanted to get to the New year.
The gift to Putin, presented several elite varieties of potatoes, each of which is designed for cooking specific dishes: one for frying, one for potato pancakes — mashed potatoes, the fourth — for baking and boiling, said the representative of the President.
Other leaders of the CIS President of Belarus gave New year’s exclusive Christmas balls handmade added Eismont.