The candidate from the party “servant of the people” Ruslan Bad said about the falsification of results of voting on separate sites at the 142nd district in Odessa region.
screenshot videoob this Bad Ruslan said the TV channel “OUR”

“At the moment, the CEC processed 76% of the votes (in the district). I’m in the lead with a 4% margin. But my opponents used all means. I have a “double” which is now gaining around 3%. About 3% of spoiled ballots, for some reason the tick exactly the opposite of my name. Some Commission members were painted on that people supposedly got confused and voted for both me and for my siblings,” says Ruslan Bad.

According to the candidate, in some polling stations have recorded abnormally high turnout.

“In some villages where the leader Anton Kisse, an abnormally high turnout. If the average constituency turnout is 44%, in some villages turnout was about 76%,” – said Ruslan Bad.

According to the nominee “public Servants” in some areas artificially delay the counting of votes.

“There is a retention of the counting of votes in some areas. Of Bolgrad district to the district Committee did not get a lot of representatives of election commissions. There was a mass of “stuffing” and the transportation of people – all in a best traditions of the previous election campaigns,” said Ruslan Bad.

The candidate for people’s deputies reported that according to the facts it was sent statements to law enforcement, to which is applied the audio and video evidence of violations.

“We have applied to the police. Made video and audio recordings. Documented cases of threats from the President of the Commission, which is my opponent Anton Kisse, other members of the precinct election Commission. Also, there were cases when the Commission members clearly pointed out to voters for whom to vote when they received the ballots,” – said on the Ruslan is Bad.

“We are in the lead, but I am afraid that the situation may at any time to change. It’s been a day, but some areas are still under handed protocols,” says Poor.

We will remind, before mass media reported that Anton Kisse put up against Ruslana Bad at the 142nd district, his “double” and namesake, Igor Bad, which before the election was called George Zankov. Later it turned out that for nomination as a candidate Kisse promised the Bad-Concavo 20 thousand dollars, but paid only part of what he said Bad-Concow.