Street Tairov remained until evening without light.
According to users of social networks, the disappearance of light was preceded by a loud sound resembling an explosion / photo “Duma”

Of the streets in the Cheryomushki and Tairov in Odessa were disconnected this morning because of an accident in which energy blame the crow, that damaged the wire.

About it reports the local edition “Duma”.

Inhabitants of Odessa on social networks to share that the light’s disappearance was preceded by a loud sound resembling an explosion. In “Odessaoblenergo” reported that the accident, which left without light almost all the Avenue of Academician Glushko, occurred at 9:25.

According to the staff of the southern RES, the reason was the short that occurred due to contact with a power line of unknown cable. It there allegedly brought a crow to build its nest.

photo “Duma”

At the scene are the damaged parts from the design lines. Close to the line do have a nest. The place is fenced with a tape, repairers work.

Note, no light is also sitting residents of streets Yitzhak Rabin, Minsk and Babajanian – here also there was an accident, but with the machinations of the crows it is not connected.

According to the “Odessaoblenergo”, Tairov had planned to connect up to 16:00 and Cheremushki – until 17:00.

KU “SMEP”, meanwhile, reports that at the time of repair works at the crossroads of Cosmonaut Komarov/ Inglesi, lustdorfskaya road/ Dmitry Donskoi and Admiral street/ Krasnov disabled the traffic lights.

As UNIAN reported earlier, as a result of complications of weather conditions (squally wind) because of actuation of protection systems of power lines in Ukraine remain de-energized 537 settlements in 15 regions.