In 2014, in Kharkiv and Odessa had to go through the pseudo-referendums “accession of Russia”, after which there came to the troops.
This was announced at a press conference Igor Girkin-Strelkov, reports
Previously, “former defense Minister” of the terrorist
“DNR” Russian Igor Girkin (Shooters) had a falling out in social media
the fighter spoke about his crimes in Slavyansk in 2014.
According to Girkin, in 2014, city Odessa and Kharkiv have
was to initiate the “referendum” held in Crimea
after which there was to enter the troops for “protection”.
Shooters explained that his group was supposed to go in
Odessa Slavic at the request Aksenov, however, the action did not dare to move
so far from the Russian border. He said that he had to stand there
the result of the referendum, after which there was to enter the army.
Strelkov said that Donetsk unlikely to be able to create
Republic, if there was no military groups, as all protests
would be suppressed, as it was in Kharkov and Odessa.
Gunmen open up about the crime of the armed forces in the Crimea.
“Dressy” Girkin amused social networks and learned
how long has he got to live.