Video smuggling missiles to Eritrea through the territory of Ukraine involved Rosoboronexport – GPUPhoto:

The cost of the missile system – 8 million dollarv

27.03.19 68930

The smuggling of Russian missiles that were found in the Nikolaev area, transferred to the balance of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine.

This reports the press service of the Prosecutor General.

“I suggest the Government make the order to transfer weapons to the aggressor country our valiant Armed Forces, to all 36 missiles modern complex defended the peaceful sky over our country,” – said the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko.

The Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine carried out the investigation on the fact of committing a crime under part 2 St. 201 criminal code of Ukraine (smuggling). Production started at the Department of counterintelligence of SBU, which made its operational support.

  • See ALSO: non-profit place. Why Ukraine needs a criminal liability for smuggling


“The pretrial investigation established that in the period 2007-2010, officials of the open joint stock company Rosoboronexport (Russian Federation), acting in collusion with other persons, committed illegal movement across the customs border of Ukraine 36 anti-aircraft missiles of a class “earth-air” 5В27Д, in full battle equipment, together with related equipment and other weapons (anti-aircraft missile system s-125 “Pechora”),” – said in the message.

The weapon was planned to deliver to Eritrea in respect of which the UN security Council imposed an embargo on the supply of weapons.

The government supported the initiative of the GPU. Now the Armed Forces of Ukraine will have to put on combat duty a full-fledged air defense missile division at a cost of 8 million dollars.

As previously reported by the Focus:

  • In Odessa region frontier guards assembled in the woods of the icon.
  • In Transcarpathia, border guards shooting trying to catch smugglers.