SK Russia opened a criminal case on the fact of cruel treatment and torture “of civilians by the SBU in Ukraine.” This is stated in the statement issued by the press service of the Ministry.

  • RIA Novosti

“According to the investigation, as well as reports published in the media, one more criminal case on signs of the crime provided by part 1 of article 356 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Use of prohibited means and methods of warfare”),” — said in the message.

As indicated, from April 2014 to present, “the members of the criminal community from the staff of SBU” placed in the airport of Mariupol illegally detained persons, including from among local residents.

According to the UK, they were held in inhuman conditions, was trapped in the broken coolers.

“At least 300 people have been tortured and tortured. Aware of the two dead”, — added in Department.

Earlier, ex-the employee of SBU Vasily Prozorov during a press conference in Moscow said that at the airport in Mariupol was organized by a secret prison.

According to him, in the jargon, it was called “the library” and the inmates “books”.

In mid-February in the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk republics have urged Ukraine to sign the Declaration against torture in respect of detainees.