First show Ani Lorak “Diva” showed on Russian TV, and now it was broadcast in Ukraine.
Many people do not like what the show has shown in Ukraine / Skrinshoty the Ukrainian TV channel “inter” did a show disgraced singer Ani Lorak “Diva”. Online – a storm of indignation.

Concert on “inter” artist December 30, announced on his page on Instagram, posting a video in which she appeared in different images.

Read tangipahoa Ani Lorak appeared in the vulgar dress (photo)

Comments blame Ani Lorak in that it is in Russia and participates in shows in Russia. Also, many have told off the singer too candid images.

“Let goes to Putin”, “old Monkey!”, “When is she gonna shut up with his lick at foreign stars masquerade?”, “From a good singer made a porn star”, “What’s your shovels?”, “How do you live in the country-aggressor?”, “Damn, well, all Beyonce copied”, “Show “Diva” fiasco” – write in the comments.

Pereglyanulis to Tsey does in Instagram

Plug today! The full concert show DIVA. On inter TV channel! #shoediva #ukraine #inter @olegbodnarchuk

Does, polirani Ani Lorak (@anilorak happy) 29 GRU 2018 R. 6:58 PST

Earlier scandalous Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak and Svetlana Loboda, who toured Russia, performed at a private party in Kiev.