Lazarev noticed at Sheremetyevo airport. The singer was with a lot of suitcases.

The company he was Alex Malinowski. In show-business get-together say that the artists whirlwind romance, and Malinowski everywhere accompanies the participant of “Eurovision-2019” from Russia, reports “Dialog.UA”.

As it became known, Malinowski and Lazarev recorded for the flight to USA.

It is not excluded that both artists decided to permanently leave Russia, the court in the amount of Luggage they had.

By the way, Malinowski believe the former lover of the singer Nikola Baskov. The artist worked in the production centre Baskov, and after the team moved to the Lazarev.

Earlier in the network appeared the frames of the “secret wedding” in the Lazarev sea.

We will remind, loud became known details of the conflict between Lazarev and Loboda.