A group of scientists from rice University have developed a technique for applying graphene marks on different surfaces – in particular, on food. The secret lies in the fact that graphene can turn almost any product containing carbon. As a “magic wand”, the researchers used a defocused laser beam.

Objects to label steel paper, cardboard, cork, coal, freshly baked and toasted bread, coconut shells and potato skins.

A kind of “ink” in this case was the complex organic carbon-containing polymer lignin, which forms graphene label under the laser exposure.

According to the scientists obtained in this method, graphene will find its application as electrocatalyst of fuel cells, biosensors and RFID tags. They will also be able to replace the traditional labeling of food and clothing.

Another unique quality of graphene sensors – detection of various microorganisms. For example, to find E. coli, this mark will begin to glow.

Source — EurekAlert!