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Scientists from Germany, Norway, Britain and China established, people with what blood higher risk of developing COVID-19
unkreatives / DepositPhotos
Trying to understand why some infected people don’t notice that got infected with SARS-CoV-2, and others coronavirus infection leads to severe consequences to the intensive care unit, connection to the ventilator, and often fatal, scientists from Germany and Norway conducted a study that showed the connection between disease and blood group of the sick.
The researchers examined the 1610 patients with COVID-19 from Italy and Spain, and overall they have been severe consequences of infection, in some cases resulting in death.
The study was subjected to DNA molecules on the infected patients. The obtained results were compared with 2205 in healthy people. After that, it became clear that people with II blood type (also called A blood group) risk of severe COVID-19 significantly higher. Namely, half that of people with I blood group (blood group 0). By the way, donated blood of group I is universal, suitable for all recipients, regardless of their blood group. However, this does not mean that people with I blood group have some kind of immunity before a coronavirus – it just means that they have the least risk to recover COVID-19 severe.
Patients with blood groups III and IV (or according to the modern classification groups B and AB) infected with the coronavirus, do not show clear tendencies in the course COVID-19.
In the world of people with I blood group by approximately 45%. II group have 35%, III 13%, and the most rare IV – 7%. However, countries statistics of blood groups is significantly different. For example, in Russia I blood group have about 33% of the population, group II – 36%, III 23% IV – 8%.
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If the interim results of the German-Norwegian study are confirmed, it will have significant implications for the formulation of methods of treatment of pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2, and not only, writes Deutsche Welle.
In addition, new observations can change in the current pandemic, the concept of “risk”. So far treated patients of a certain age, those with chronic disease, smokers and others. Now it is possible that this approach over time will have to be revised.
According to scientists of Kiel University are to blame for the particular mutation. The deciphering of the genome of the investigated patients showed that the probability of infection and the character of the course of coronavirus infection was most influenced by the two mutations. The first was the SLC6A20 gene, and the third chromosome and the second gene determining a blood group, and the ninth chromosome. The first mutation increased the risk of severe forms of infection, approximately 1.77 times, and the second mutation increased the probability of infection of 1.32 times.
Just the SLC6A20 gene directly associated with the receptor ACE2, which coronavirus uses to infiltrate human cells. Plus, the mutation in the ninth chromosome usually increases blood clotting. And, as we know, often leads to death in patients with COVID-19. And these mutations are more common in people with the II blood group.
Earlier in Britain, scientists have conducted similar studies and according to the severity of infection, its many symptoms, and the probability of infection is highly dependent on genetic factors, that is, of heredity.
This is confirmed by studies conducted in China. There is also decided to find out whether frequency and more severe coronavirus infection with blood group. In the result, it was found that people with II blood group are more at risk of infection coronavirus infection. Among the dead was also more people with the II blood group.
Similar observations about the influence of blood group on the progress of the disease has to other diseases. For example, people with I(O) blood group rarely sick with severe forms of malaria. There are also opposite examples: for example, people with II(A) blood group more easily tolerate the disease plague.
Persons with blood group II(A) III(B) and IV(AB) have a higher predisposition to heart disease than those with blood group I(O): 23% for people with blood group IV(AB), 11% for persons with blood group III(b), and 5% for people with blood group II(A).
Blood group II(A) associated with an increased risk of tuberculosis. People with blood group I(0) are less susceptible to cancer, with blood group II(A) most often suffer from cancer of the stomach, and the owners of III(B) and IV(AB) blood groups most often suffer from cancer of the pancreas.