SBU detained in Odessa recruiter of jihadists

The man was wanted by Interpol and Europol
In Odessa region the staff of SBU detained the member of the group”, Jihadia” (Jihadists), who is accused of extremism. The man was wanted by Interpol and Europol. Reports a press about it-service SBU.
“Employees of security Service of Ukraine according to the information of Interpol and Europol detained in Odessa region citizen of Uzbekistan, declared internationally wanted for committing heinous crimes,” – said in the message.
The detainee was responsible, in particular, for recruiting new entrants into the ranks of extremists and promoted the ideology of radical Islam. According to the agencies, the activities the foreigner planned to hold in Ukraine.
“Jihadies” international extremist group, which is part of the structural subdivisions of the group “Jamaat” is prohibited in some countries, religious movements.
At the moment the issue of extradition of the alien’s arrest and subsequent transfer to the state security organs of Uzbekistan.