Flights from Kharkov to Poznan will run from October 27 to twice a week.
Flights from Kharkov to Poznan will run from October 27 УНИАНRyanair at the end of October intends to open new routes from Kharkiv and Odessa to Poznan.

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This is evidenced by information in the reservation system of the airline, reports Flights from Kharkov to Poznan will run from 27 October twice a week on Tuesdays and Sundays. Flights from Kharkov to 22:00, departure from poznań at 18:00. Tickets are sold at a price of 28 euros one way.

Flight Odessa-Poznan, Ryanair will launch from October 30 with a frequency of twice a week. Departures from Odessa at 21:30 on Wednesdays and 10:30 on Saturdays, departure from Poznan at 17:45 on Wednesdays and at 06:30 on Saturdays. The minimum price of the tickets for the flight Odessa-Poznan starts from 28 Euro one way.

Earlier Ryanair announced the opening of flights from Kharkiv and Odessa in June. At the moment, the announced route network low-cost from Kharkov includes poznań, kraków and Vilnius, Odessa, Poznan, Krakow, Wroclaw, Katowice and Berlin.