Russian passport of the mayor of Odessa issued illegally – a Russian courtPhoto: Odessa

The decision dated September 13, 2017

15.02.19 1555300

The passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation to the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov issued illegally.

Write about this “Ukrainian news” with reference to the decision of the sergiyevo-Posadsky court of Moscow region.

The court found the decision of the Department of management of Federal migratory service of Russia of Sergiev-Posad district on the issue of Russian passports Trukhanov illegal, and the passport is invalid.

  • See ALSO: Gennady Trukhanov. The story of Odessa detained mayor

The representative of Trukhanov in court (by proxy) Yermakov said that he (Trukhanov) never applied to the appropriate Russian authorities for citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Ermakov noted that the presence of his Russian citizenship Trukhanov learned from messages on the Internet.

The decision of the court dated September 13, 2017.

As previously reported by the Focus:

  • In the sanctions list of Russia got the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov
  • In October last year, the prosecutors of the Specialised anti-corruption prosecutors sent to court indictments against the defendants in the “amber case” and the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov.
  • Exactly a year ago, February 15 Solomensky court of Kiev released on bail Trukhanova, who was detained by the NEB on February 14 after returning to Ukraine from a long “vacation”. Odessa mayor vouched Deputy Dmitry Golubov. Trukhanov by the decision of the court had to pass a passport to travel abroad, to appear in court and investigative actions.