What man who had lost his arm in an accident? Given the fact that available on the domestic price of dentures – just a useless dummy, and functional imported models comparable in price with the car is about to fall into depression. However, the Russian Maxim Lyashko, according to the engineer, what happened to him misfortune pushed to active actions.

He not just developed a cheap and high-quality prosthesis for themselves, but have created a company in their serial production. And we are not talking about some artisanal production. Parts for printed prostheses on a 3D printer, which significantly reduces the cost of the product.

Bionic prosthesis operates from an external power source. The control is performed by means of a set of sensors. The owner is sufficient to represent the movement, after which the prosthesis executes it.

In their quest to help thousands of disabled Maxim is not alone. Last year the Belarusian programmer Oleg Galtsev has developed a similar low-cost model manual biomechanical prosthesis for his father who has lost a hand.