While analysts, even in their wildest predictions will not predict when gas will go up, and for Russia it means the problem is one of another more painful, according to Диалог.UA.
As the blogger writes the Angry inhabitant of Odessa in my LJ, at the beginning of the year gas, which cost $ 165 per thousand cubic meters, was provided by “Gazprom” way and not “the sky in diamonds”, but somehow it helped to make ends meet. About the payback of such ambitious projects as the recently built gas pipeline “Power of Siberia” in such a situation in the market cannot be and speeches. But for a comfortable life enough.
However, during the year, gas became cheaper, and by may the cost had reached $ 95 per thousand cubic meters. But this mark to Russia – critical. The main Russian export commodity began to cost cheaper cost.
The blogger notes that it is impossible not to notice the cruel irony in relation to Russia. Big problem began in may – the month associated in Russia with victory, and more recently – in the month of “POB***base”. As if someone from above “and clicked on the nose” of the Russian Federation.
Now the prospects of Russia – very sad.
“…When the price of the exported gas has dropped below its cost, the main national wealth has become the main burden of the Russians, who had stretched out on their backs a “domain”, bringing not much benefit, how much hopeless losses”, – the blogger writes.
And notes that the improvement of the situation for Russia is not visible even in the long term.
Because of the much reduced in recent gas consumption it purchase less. Underground gas storage (UGS) in the majority of filled and unfilled long leased, including in Ukraine.
It turns out that even if the 2020-2021 winter will be very cold, “Gazprom” should not count on large sales of gas and more revenue, as the fuel reserves at potential customers is very impressive.
If the winter will again be soft? and gas will be absolutely do not need consumers to Gazprom for Russia, whose economy is critically dependent on energy exports, such a development would be disastrous.
“But what if the heating season 2020-2021 will again be soft enough? Who then do we need Russian gas? From which arises the main dilemma that will do it Russia itself, which has to export the “blue gold” becomes unprofitable, because it goes to buyers in a loss of the same seller,” sums up the blogger.
We will remind, the Russian gas price has dropped below profitability. And against the background of serious decline of oil prices in Russia collapsed the second largest source of income from the sale of gas to the European markets.
Previously, we wrote – Turkey has Gazprom, the situation for the Kremlin is becoming critical
Also the myth of “Gazprom”, as the most expensive company in the world, scattered. About Gazprom have already started to forget and to remember only in connection with another scandal or court. Today, the company’s shares do not give such money as before.
Nadezhda Nikitina