Alina Sagitova intends to fulfill the dream of a blind girl and taking her for a ride on skates. Tuktamysheva continues to try his hand as an interviewer. Meanwhile, Alexander Trusov told how the process of development of new jumps, and the young skater Kamil Valiev for the 13th birthday performed a cascade of Quad toe loop — triple toe loop. In turn, choreographer Ilya Averbukh hinted that it could resume cooperation with Evgenia Medvedeva.

  • Archival photo. Alexander Trusov
  • © © Yutaka

Sagitova in Canada

Olympic champion Alina Sagitova has not yet begun training a new competitive programs. This week she traveled to Canada and walked around Toronto. 16-year-old skater visited the Hockey hall of fame, was photographed with the Stanley Cup and climbed to the main attraction of the city — the tower of “si-EN Tauer”.

In Canada, where in those days in the ice show acts Evgeny Medvedev, Sagitova will not last long. On Sunday she will return to Russia in order to fulfill the dream of a blind girl Snjezana Cherepanova. Together they ride to skate and talk about skating. This was stated by the journalist Andrey Malakhov in the program on the channel “Russia”.

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Publication of Alina Zagitova (@azagitova)26 APR 2019 10:03 PDT

Tuktamysheva and Noboa

In the offseason, Elizaveta Tuktamysheva continues to settle into the role of a journalist. Last fall she managed to be a commentator, and now is interviewing the players of “Zenit”. After Claudio Marchisio talked with her Christian Noboa. Ecuadorian in Russian talked to Tuktamysheva about football and figure skating, and at the same time called his companion’s sexiest sportswoman in the world.

“My dream is that parents are never sick”

Evgeny Medvedev while she gives interview and said something new about his life in conversation with blogger Sasha cat. Two-time Olympic silver medalist told, what dreams and how to relate to a possible retirement.

“For me a dream is something unreachable. My parents never sick, infinitely lived, all around were friendly to no one never fought. In life prefer to set goals and achieve them, while the affect of a dream can not. I know what I dream about: never getting tired and never had injuries. But I know that this does not happen. To retire from the sport? Honestly, I have never even thoughts were not. Even when something does not work, I sit down and think in the 19 years I have traveled halfway around the world,” — said Medvedev.

Interview With Trudovoy

Another well-known Russian figure skater Alexander Trusov gave the first big interview. 15-year-old athlete spoke with journalist Maria Team, affecting, in particular, the subject of the quadruple jumps that she performs better than anyone in the world.

“I’ve learned not everyone jumps. But when it happens, I will improve in all other respects: and in jumping so that they were cleaner, and, of course, in skating and spins. Triple Axel we teach, and the Quad loop is the only Quad that was left. I have never tried it. We first look at my triple and decide what we will learn next. Lutz and flip are very similar, so after Lutz flip was easier to learn, and the toe loop is the easiest. A triple Axel jump and I with a fishing rod, and without. I’m not fearless, I fear not only quadruple jump, and so many things frighten me in life,” said the double world champion among juniors.

Trusov also commented on the sensational story with a single coat of 12-year-old Maxim Belyavsky told that there is nothing impossible to repeat the jump without a net.

“I think a five-fold jump to jump really, but there’s another Quad and a triple Axel, so we’ll see. I hope that by the start of next season will jump Axel. I really need it, because a Quad in the short is prohibited. Three quads in one program to do it, I have never worked, but I want to try four,” said Trusov.

Skater also said that her older rival Evgeny Medvedev and Alina Sagitova in the past helped her to learn new jumps.

“When Jack was in the group, she always told jumping. Said that it is necessary to work constantly, no matter tired or not, you have to find strength. Sagitova tells you how to jump cascade with rittberger. I want to be like yourself. Of course, there are skaters that I really admire. I always looked at Medvedev, as she is constantly working on her character. Really like Nathan Chen — he always teaches new, more complicated. And of course, Aliona Savchenko — whatever she lost, she went ahead and eventually won,” — said Trusov.

Valieva ready to debut

This year about skater Camille Valieva began to speak as about a future world star. The student of Eteri Tutberidze won almost all the tournaments for the younger age in Russia demonstrated a decent adult athletes skating and the jumps, and also quite complex cascades Lutz — toe and flip — Euler — Salchow. Given the fact that the native of Kazan at the time was only 12 years old, she deserved such generous advances.

But modern figure skating requires skaters to learn ultra-hard elements, and this Valieva problems now there. In his 13th birthday, on 26 April, she performed in training a cascade of quadruple toe loop — triple toe loop. This video attempts to put her trainer in his Instagram, with the caption “Welcome to the “Quad squad”. Now Valieva will attempt to perform a quadruple jump in international competition in the new season she will be eligible to start Junior tournaments.

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Publication of Eteri Tutberidze (@tutberidze.eteri)APR 26, 2019 8:02 PDT

The completion in figure skating

This week, two figure skaters who won medals in pair skating at the Olympic games in Pyeongchang, announced her pregnancy. First did the champion Aliona Savchenko. The father of her child was the British artist Liam Cross. Former Ukrainian figure skater, most of his career representing Germany, while not announced his retirement so that fans of the 35-year-old girl still have a chance to see her back on the ice.

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Publication from Aljona Savchenko (@aljonasavchenko)23 APR 2019 11:39 PDT

Two days later, canadian Megan Duhamel, who won in Pyeongchang bronze in pair skating and gold among the teams, said that she, along with former coach Bruno Marcotte also expecting a child. The skater thus joked that so admires Savchenko that she imitates, even in matters of pregnancy.

It is going to be a bit hard to hide this when you live in a figure skating dress …. ?

— Meagan Duhamel (@mhjd_85) 26 APR 2019

Immediately after the message Savchenko and tells their stories shared Ekaterina Bobrova. Partner Dmitri Soloviev in the ice dancing recently became a mother and now was discharged from the hospital with her first child. She posted a photo with him and her husband, former figure skater Andrei Deputy.

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Publication by Ekaterina Bobrova (@ekaterinabobrova)26 APR 2019 12:31 PDT

Performances Medvedev and Voronova


While the city is engaged in education of my son, her partner Dmitry Solovyev tries himself in a new role. Olympic champion team tournament in Sochi became the Director and initiated the preparation of programs for the Russian figure skater Sergei Voronov.

“Really cool to work with talented, hard-nosed, hard-working and living with his business, ice skating person. This is my first experience programs. I never saw myself as a coach or Director. But Serge had faith in me and I in turn, get a lot of pleasure of joint work and impact,” wrote dancer in Instagram.

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Publication of Dmitri Soloviev | D. Solovyev (@dmitry_solovyev)APR 23, 2019 at 9:55 am PDT

At the same time continue to run rumors about a possible collaboration, acclaimed master of ice dance Ilya Averbukh and Evgenia Medvedeva. Last season, the Olympic silver medalist 2002, worked with a figure skater, but now denies that again to do with her new programs.

“Soon all will know. Want insider? If I don’t say “no”, it means that a particular insider is. It now hovers in the air, will soon be known. Zhenya and I worked all these years until the final season, passed all of the winning stories. I think that together we should be and in the moments of victories and moments when a complicated story. To support each other — this is normal. Therefore, it is quite possible”, — said Averbukh in a lecture at the Moscow state pedagogical University.

Hosoda does not give up


Hardly in the flow of news from the world of figure skating, many supporters have drawn attention to the fact that the Japanese athlete, Ayaka Hosoda announced the continuation of a career. It’s hard to imagine what her name anyone know outside of Japan. However, this news is worthy of mention, as Hosoda has become one of the discoveries of the last championship of his country.

Unremarkable skater, whose best result at this tournament before it was 15-th place, was able to perform three clean triple Axel. To make this feat for figure skating she managed in 23 years! Hosoda in the end took eighth place and missed in the national team of his country, and remained almost unknown throughout the world. But now she decided to prepare for the new season, and it’s possible that she’ll assert himself, as did her compatriot Rick Kihira.