Reuters: there is “good cause” to believe that Denmark will approve the construction of the “Nord Stream-2”

KIEV. March 26. UNN. Nord Stream 2, responsible for the construction of the pipeline “Nord Stream-2”, expects to receive from the Danish authorities the permission to lay a 180-km segment of the pipeline under the Baltic sea to finish the pipeline before the end of 2019, as planned. On Monday the official representative of the company-operator Jens Muller, reports UNN with reference to Reuters.

So, according to Mueller, there are “strong reason” to believe that the Danish authorities will consider the second proposal submitted by the project in August 2018, for 8-12 months, which will allow to complete construction of the pipeline in accordance with the schedule.

Even if the decision of Denmark becomes known in the end of the year, the company is able to attract more ships to the pipeline, said Mueller, noting that two ships that are now working off the coast of Sweden and worked for 6 km a day. In this case, the Danish segment can be completed within a month, he said.

The Agency recalled that earlier, four countries — Finland, Sweden, Germany and Russia — have already given approval for the construction of the pipeline, but Denmark did not agree. Then Nord Stream 2 in August 2018 were offered an alternative route by which the pipeline will pass through the waters of the exclusive economic zone of Denmark, avoiding its territorial waters.

“There is every reason to assume that we will receive this approval in a specific time when we can complete this construction in a simple way,” said Mueller.

He also does not believe a significant risk that Washington could impose sanctions against the company.

So, the leadership of the U.S. Department of state, published in October 2017, provided that the law does not apply to investments made prior to the adoption of this law in August of 2017, a few months after the signing of the Nord Stream contracts with Western investors.

“Looking at the existing legal framework, we have to conclude that Nord Stream 2 can’t be touched,” said Mueller.

As reported UNN, earlier the Minister of foreign Affairs of Denmark, Anders Samuelsen said that Denmark will decide on the “Nord stream-2”, based on the situation in Ukraine.

We will remind, chief financial officer of the company-operator of the project “Nord stream-2,” Paul Corcoran said that he expects to end the year to get permission from Denmark to the laying of the pipeline “Nord stream-2” for deliveries of Russian gas to Europe, which is the only problem for the project .