The head of the state border service said that in the period of preferential customs clearance “EuroBLECH” often crossed the border.
Queue “EuroBLECH” on the border of Ukraine almost disappeared / photo Uniana borders have practically disappeared of the queue due to the reduction of cars on foreign registration.

See also Parliament said he is waiting for the owners of bonded “EuroBLECH”

It is reported with reference to the statement of the head of the state border service of Peter Chikala.

According to him, the state border service within the boundaries of its competence supports the desired mode at checkpoints, that is, takes all measures for keeping order and preventing blocking.

Chekal noted that as long as acting time for customs clearance, cars with Euronorm often crossed the border. Now, queues have virtually disappeared.

“The people who lived in the border areas, they always had, like, five times a day to go and visit. And thus was created a huge number. Today these are isolated cases, where, as they say – will or will not work… Today there is a small queue of lorries and tourists and so forth,” – said the head of the gpsu.

As previously reported, the State border service in December last year, recorded a decrease in passenger traffic on the section of the Western border of Ukraine at 5%, and vehicles by almost 15%. In the state border service to explain the reduction in the flow of cars through the Western border of the enactment of the customs clearance “EuroBLECH”.

We will remind, in November of 2018 members voted in favor of cheap grace and “clearance”. Was also strengthened control over “everblame”: you may not transfer possession of the car on foreign registration, and the police got the right to stop these cars and check through the database, not delayed if they stay in Ukraine.

Those who disagree with this decision, the owners of cars on foreign registration from November 20 announced an indefinite “civil disobedience action” in 46 cities of Ukraine. The protesters demanded to cancel the bills No. 8487, No. 8488, which were adopted without consideration of their requirements.

On November 25, “euroshare” blocked movement on all six checkpoints of the Ukrainian-Polish border in the Lviv region. Similar steps protesting against the new rules of a customs clearance of cars on avtonomera made in the Volyn, Transcarpathian and Chernivtsi regions.

Despite the mass protests of owners of cars with foreign registration, laws about customs clearance “EuroBLECH” entered into force 25 Nov.