ProZorro will be no more. How dangerous bill, “Buy Ukrainian – Ukrainians pay”

The fun begins when the company will try to find out how they are “Ukrainian”
Pid hour rosgarten reform public zakupivel mi often Buli swakara, Yak okrem deputies numeralia snowgate nadbannya reform the way mix application rate revisions in cinn law.
ODN through nebazhannya play with the new rules I nadmo publcity vlasnik schemes, that ProZorro not daє of prihvati. INSHI — through neprofesionist popular.
Chergui of naradamuni bill Mauger uskladiti access to a b_znes to reigning participation in tenders, as a consequence — to snejanna konkurenz Ekonom at auction. And vidana chergova dowdy, wkra neophane for producing PLG, TSE Chudov molist of zerobyte for korumpowano chinovniks. By the way, nadmerna number documentat — TSE those scho skarzhitisya DW, tretin postachalnik zgidno s ostannim docey.
“Kupuj Ukrainian — pay ukraintsem” — populistische bill No. 7206, that NBI Nada preferenc msaven virobnika I so NBI Spry development of Ukrayinsky to a b_znes.
Yak TSE budateteny? Ukrainian pdprimstvo ottima mozliwosci peramugari in auctions s zavedenou wanono NSA uchasnikiv cnow. If sche prosthe: Chim bilshe ti “Ukrainian business”, Tim wise can of staviti co.
Niccas to packetise then, if compan sprout z aswathi, naslite stink “Ukrainian business”, and most importantly, bring the TSE that shte th otrymaty Vdovin Dowdle — TSE smuso Ratti Hiba Hermes-Conrad — bureaucrat s multfilma Futurama. I would navti not sivulause, acbi dsnews scho vzhe – ere in price, the Yakima tak dowdy will prodavati, all eager.
Formula, Yak wyznaczanie, Chi will be in compan “ply”, peredacha 15 of storage! Factual rucne the proposed constituents of skladnosti tsogo mehanna nvelo mozliwosci Rospatent in fact, naslite fair Bulo paying Peremoga. And VI is not porite, about 60% postachalnik zaznachayut neophane to do porwnania postachalnik has more protrim.
Sumnum had made it, piece stvoren burocratic bar ri dowdy to uskladnenie life Paravani in koristuvach system ProZorro
Dobrogowski zimovnika bude smoothly oceniti proposes, participants — chotoviny tendero proposition I take part in aukce and hromadskosti — procontroller process wyboru Peremoga.
And for someone to packetise Nove Zhyttya and techne to turn Stari chasi, so TSE for “Habermann”. M bude nabagato lain of prihvati svoï circuit for skladnoy formula, Bo criter, scho included before the phrase, “rucn” I mozhut zastosowanie trachomatis Zimovniki, Yak m to semantica.
TSI had made it to superacute these principles to the Law “About public zakupu” Yak nediskriminacije konkurentnosti. Doduco TSI novovvedeniya to supercat sobov the declared Ukraine respectively to Please SOT demisexual about that Please about the Association z ºC.
Therefore mi zaklikali deputatu not vote for the bill, that to superechit occupancy postachalnik, vdcin back the reform of the three target cergov features for coropceanu. Navti without tsogo bezguzova law dolati Qiu “Garu” I duzhe duzhe not easy.