The head of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani stated that he had asked the EU to give respite to breccia to a maximum of 18 April. He recalled that in may will be elections to the European legislature. While British Prime Minister Theresa may in a letter to EU leadership asking to postpone the start of the procedure date not later than June 30. Experts say that Brussels is trying to accelerate this process, to avoid problems in the formation of the Parliament.
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- © Yves Herman
British exit from EU may be delayed up to a maximum of 18 April. This was stated by Antonio Tajani. Originally brakcet was scheduled for March 29.
“I asked the EU summit to delay as short as possible and a maximum of 18 April,” he said on the sidelines of the EU summit in Brussels.
April 18 is the last day that the European Parliament can ratify the agreement with Britain, since the may elections to the European body, said Tajani.
In this case, before Theresa may in an official letter to the President of the European Council Donald Tusk appealed to the European Union with a request to postpone the start of brexia until June 30.
“If the vote is successful, the postponement will give Parliament time to consider the terms of the agreement. If not, Parliament will have to decide how to proceed. But I, as Prime Minister, not willing to delay the start of breccia on a date later than 30 June,” she said.
Such a reduction of time — from June 30 to April 18 — a nasty surprise for may, which takes time to convince MPs to support her project bracito, said political analyst Alexander Asaph.
“She thought that the understanding reached with the last round of voting, although it is repeatedly said that all 27 European Union countries should Express their consent,” he told RT.
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“There will be a serious bureaucratic problems”
At the same time, the European Union, by contrast, seeks to accelerate the process of conclusion of the agreement, to the elections to the European Parliament was not necessary to take into account the UK, says the associate Professor of the Department of political science of the Financial University under the government of Russia Gevorg mirzayan.
“If suddenly a miracle happens and Britain decides to stay in the European Union, of course, MPs from the UK in the EP should not be. And there are almost ten percent quota. If they are re-elected, it will have to find someone in their place, to hold new elections, to reduce the number of deputies in this term. Then there will be a serious bureaucratic problem, which nobody wants to do,” he said in conversation with RT.
“The tangle of interests and concerns”: I agree the EU to delay breccia
Prime Minister Theresa may sent a letter to the President of the European Council Donald Tusk with a request…
While in conversation with British MPs, may said it does not intend to delay the startup procedure of exit from the EU at a later date than June 30. She also announced plans to present the agreement to bracito to Parliament for the third time.
On appeal, Mei said two major official of the EU. The head of the European Council Donald Tusk said that brexia possible “short delay”, but provided a positive verdict of the British Parliament on the EU deal.
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker advised the UK to carry out brakcet to the European Parliament elections, which are scheduled for may 23.
That the British Parliament has still not adopted by bracito, may is accused legislators of the United Kingdom.
“I’m sure the public is tired of. Are you tired of the fact that the MPs talk about breccia. You’re worried about that, I’m on your side. It is time for the Parliament to take a decision,” — reads the statement of the Prime Minister.
“Delay the inevitable”
Note that the original plan prescribed in the UK to begin an exit from the EU on 29 March 2019. In January 2019, may failed to get parliamentary approval for its agreed deal, with the result that there are several variants of development of events: exit from the EU without a deal, as well as the postponement or cancellation of breccia.
In mid-January, the government may survived a vote of no confidence, initiated by the leader of the labour party Jeremy Corbyn. At the end of the month the British Prime Minister introduced a new version of the draft agreement on withdrawal from the EU.
However, in mid-March, two weeks before the start date of brexia, the Parliament again approved the transaction, after which deputies voted against the “hard” out of the EU without an agreement. Still later, the Parliament voted in favor of moving the date of breccia.
According to Mersana, the situation is “tough” breccia in this situation, almost uncontested.
“In principle, everything that happens is Theresa may trying to chop the snake’s tail in pieces and some way to delay the inevitable — the collapse of negotiations, “hard” brakcet and their political funeral. While any positive prospects not visible”, — concluded the analyst.