Price tortur. It became known that skilki Radic paid for katuvannya narcoclinic bliskich
March 31, 2017
31 March, 2017, 14:29
Dwellers, saprotiet bliskich to the so called center Realt on Chernin Radic Chi druzi Alko – narcoclinic paid up to 8 tis. UAH
About TSE powdery in Procurator, powderly Еспресо.TV.
“Yakscho Radic ABO druzi was semolale “vivs” t Chi Ho person, yakscho TSE at Meritor Kiïvskoï region – TSE 6 tis. UAH, whichever from vastan. Haruka region – TSE 8 tis. UAH. Nadal sasana payment for TSE Kaivalya from 2.5 to 3 tees. UAH”, – said the Prosecutor.
He added, scho Boule wypadki, if rodicu uimahalli dodatkow money for medicine relief.
“Plus, nakladac was zvonili relatives, and pid words, scho nbit HN Radic sahuaro, ABO neophane yakas medichna DOPOMOGA – uimahalli they koshti. TSE coliwasa to 3 tees. UAH”, – powdery to the GPU.
Thus, the Yak stargoat in the Procurator, at oblouku niyakogo medichnih preparatu there reabilitacionnogo center not stink weavile.