Pokey I’ll mintrom, Poland patrimonail Ukraine, – Ministr defense of the country, Macierewicz
Uncategorized February 17, 2017
About TSE saying VIN on sustr s ukrainskimi narodnimi deputies – members deputatska a groupie s deparlments contact required yazkiv s Respublikoy Poland, Pereda Еспресо.TV.
“Pokey, I will Menstrum national defence, Poland to detrimentalist nezno posits schodo Ukraine, namely – Patrice Ukrayinsky people have protistan rosiysky agrees pregnene ºC Ukraine to the NATO” – saying VIN.
Anton, Macierewicz zaznaczyl scho Poland uwano steriti for signals schodo Ukraine s USA.
Positively oceny CCB you James Metts NATO or any defence Ministr USA calling Rosy power-agresor, partnership z the yakoy , nemolivier, pokey the Kremlin does not pocne datamovie international law.
Govoreci about story, Macierewicz nagolovu scho mayut Poland Ukraine I. pdcreate position, momenti storiche spitrit two countries, such Yak spline Protestant Blavatsky okupatsiï viscomi Simon Petlura that Jozef Pilsudskiego got 20x RR. XX starchy.
Nagado, z 15 and 18 fierce at Warsaw pereboeva oftin delegation narodnih deputativ Ukraine – clev deputatska a groupie s deparlments contact required yazkiv s Respublikoy Poland, Yak acolouth folk deputies of Ukraine Oksana Urinary (PPB) the administration of Knezicky (Narodniy Front).