The financing of schools should be engaged in local government, said the expert.
Ukraine has begun the new school year / photo by UNIAN

The school has no right to demand from parents for more cash “contributions” for repairs and other needs. Funds should be allocated to local authorities.

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On the issue of school levies in Ukraine and about how to deal with them said the cofounder of public organization “SOS Papa” Roman Bondarenko, transfers “observer”.

“Parents need to remember that they give children in municipal educational institutions. That is a state institution, tuition in which parents pay only once – when I paid taxes,” – said Bondarenko.

According to him, optimum allocation and use of these taxes, including the needs of the school – is the task of local authorities.

“If the school starts to raise money, it encourages irresponsibility of local authorities. Local authorities know that if they do not allocate money to repair the school – do parents,” he explained.

“Parents need to go to the Director and the Director shall submit budget requests to local authorities and to demand funding for schools. Not from parents, but from the authorities,” said the activist.

Bondarenko said that in some cases, allowed the collection of funds for any current expenses in class.

“For example, bring bottled drinking water. Or organize some gifts for children. But such a thing as “Foundation schools” should not even exist. This gives grounds for abuse on the part of local authorities and the leadership of the school” – he turned to his parents.

If a problem arose, Bondarenko recommended to resolve it first with the head teacher and Director. And in the absence of reaction on their part to contact the police, the local education Department and further along the chain, up to the education Ombudsman.

“I would also advise parents to translate it from conversations in written statements and complaints. If there is a written document, it is necessary to react and give the answer. Then it has more weight. And this response can then be used”, – he added.

The question of how parents, activists not to become a “rogue” in such a situation, Bondarenko answered: “If you have already started to fight at this school, then why change it? If you win, you thus showed the child an example – what is the position and this position is necessary to protect… Sometimes even useful, when the child is in such a “hostile” environment. Can grow future leader.”