February 17, 2017
Pokey I’ll mintrom, Poland patrimonail Ukraine, – Ministr defense of the country, Macierewicz
shaoran2012Fierce 17, 2017, 17:23 Ministr national defense Polish Anton, Macierewicz stating scho Yogo country patrimonail Ukrainian people have protistan rosiysky agrees pregnene ºC Ukraine to the NATO About TSE saying VIN on sustr s ukrainskimi narodnimi deputies – members deputatska a groupie s deparlments contact required yazkiv s Respublikoy Poland, Pereda Еспресо.TV. “Pokey, I will Menstrum national defence, Poland to detrimentalist nezno posits schodo Ukraine, namely – Patrice Ukrayinsky people have protistan rosiysky agrees pregnene ºC Ukraine to the NATO” – saying VIN. Anton, Macierewicz zaznaczyl scho Poland uwano steriti […]