March 10, 2017
Have Stambul razbivka Bertolt s rosiyanami: 5 sahibli
shaoran201210 March, 2017, 11:41 Have Stambul franc, 10 March, rozvyvsja Bertolt, resultat chogo zaginul 5 people, Sered them – 4 rosiyan About TSE powderly Hurriyet Daily News. Civilni Bertolt Sikorsky S-76 razbivka have Stambul franc 10 March, zaginul n’yatero of people on Board. Qiu npharmacy patogiu the Governor of Istanbul Wasp Shahn. The words ochevidtsev, Bertolt zacapu Teleview, after chogo vrsave have najblizsze shose. Measures area, de talasa crash podomys scho Bertolt naligaw Eczacibasi Group. Aboard Bulo seven people, including two plots, four nazemtsev I one citizen, Turissini. Middle sahibli […]