The protesters didn’t even bother to check whose name they chant.
Kharkiv for the money came on a fake rally in support of a maniac Onoprienko / photo UNIAN

In Kharkiv on February 13 was held a fake rally in support of “candidate” for the presidency – one of the bloodiest killers of the last century, Anatoly Onoprienko.

As it turned out, the fake rally was organized by the journalists of the local newspaper 057. According to the journalists, they were contacted by the ATO with the proposal will test whether the lead Kharkiv on easy money.

Read targetech, Onoprienko and Chikatilo: the journalists told about the living descendants of the most brutal killers (video)

The Internet has been published the ad with the offer to come to Constitution square and to support the “candidate” Anatoly Onoprienko, who died in 2013. The participants of the rally have promised to pay 1000 UAH. However, many did not bother to check who Onoprienko, and began to apply for participation in the “rally”.

“We specifically decided to choose the “candidates” is not an existing policy, and such an odious personality to show fans of “easy money” do not care for whom to vote. And instead Onoprienko we could substitute any name, be it Milosevic, Maduro or Zakharchenko, it wouldn’t change anything,” write the journalists.

Read has changepoints details of death “Pology maniac” – one of the most brutal serial killers of Ukraine

It is reported that in the right time in the right place gathered about 100 people, but the calls came a lot more. The audience was asked to chanted on camera “Onoprienko – that’s us!”, “Onoprienko is power!” and “Onoprienko – Ukraine’s future”. And the “protesters” easily did. Moreover, they assured the camera that will vote for Anatoly Onoprienko, although “his election programme had not yet read”.

“Within an hour we left our fake rally and we started to answer the angry calls wanting to get a thousand hryvnia. For all the threats of the protesters, we asked them to read carefully for whom they now stand and stop selling their votes”, – stated in the message.

Video 057

Reference to UNIAN. Anatoly Onoprienko in the period from 1989 to 1996 killed 52 people, including 11 children. Thus there is a large number of alleged, but not proven, episodes. Onoprienko was arrested in the spring of 1996. On 31 March 1999 he was sentenced to death, but because of Ukraine’s intention to join the Council of Europe, the death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. In 2013 he died of heart failure in prison.

As UNIAN reported earlier, in Odessa and Kiev, the former President of “threw” hundreds of people gathered on the paid meeting for non-existent candidate.