Most online shopping is preferred by people aged 25 to 34 years.
More online purchases made by women / photo UNIAN

Resource analyzed transactions made by Ukrainians online in 2018, and found a portrait of the Internet buyer, with any devices more often to make purchases how varied the average check for year, etc.

Read takeachance increasingly calculated payment cards (infographic)

Despite the fact that global trends and indicators, most of the Internet traffic itself generate smartphone users, the overwhelming number of online shopping in Ukraine is still done with PC (62%), writes

Almost half the purchases made from smartphones (34%), while the share of tablets in this ranking account for only 4% of transactions. Thus, users tablets the average check, the highest — almost 2200 UAH 2000 UAH against average with computers and smartphones. Due to the fact that mobile devices on the platform Android much more than iOS, the average bill of the purchases with the smartphone overall, it was close to the average alert users of this operating system.

Still the most popular online purchases made by women (61%), the proportion of men is 39%. While 6% of all online purchases are committed by people over 55 years of age. A lot of other age groups: 10% of transactions share of age group 45-54 years, 15% for “effective” youth 18-24 years, 23% — on a group of middle-aged (35-44 years). Most online shopping is preferred by people aged 25 to 34 years, last year they accounted for 46% of all transactions in the Ukrainian Internet-shops.

The largest average bill is in December (1873 UAH), despite the fact that by itself buying activity (i.e., the number of purchases made online) in the last month of the year though, and had a value above the average, but fell sharply compared to November. About 17% of all annual transactions accounted for by November, as the popularity of Black Friday promotions from year to year only increases. The smallest average check is in June (1431 UAH), it also has the summer slump in consumer spending. A significant downturn in online shopping recorded in January.

The most active day of the week among Ukrainian shopping is the Friday (with computers) and Wednesday and Sunday (with mobile devices). Almost 9% of all purchases falls on the lunch time (12:00), evening consumer activity is retained at 5% -6% of the total daily rate.

The most popular categories of goods ordered via the Internet — home appliances and electronics, clothing and footwear, cosmetics and everything to do with travel (tours and tickets). Also among the top ten children’s goods, goods for garden and home, sporting goods and jewelry.

If to speak about other countries of the world, where online shopping has the following character:

The study was based on internal data about online purchases in Ukraine to 2018.