
Construction company “Kamerton” intends to address in court with claims against several of the Odessa mass media, which spread false information about the company, lighting the street action in the area of the future construction project.

A press release the company issued Wednesday.

According to the company, the journalists attributed the illegal actions of employees “Kamerton”, which they really didn’t commit myself, OOO – violations in the field of construction legislation, which was not, and the lack of documentation for the preparatory works.

“We respect the right of journalists to freely gather, process and disseminate information.

However, we have to admit that some of the media, deliberately or through negligence, repeatedly allowed distortion of the facts, resorted to direct manipulation, disregarded the standards of balance of opinions, covering the shares.

We turned to individual editors to correct false information or give us a right to report on our position, because such one-sided coverage of events causes direct harm and the company. However, from most of the editions of the responses we received”, – noted in “Kamerton”.

The company urged journalists to Odessa in the future to carefully check the facts regarding the situation on the Gagarin plateau (residential area in the resort part of Odessa – Ed.) especially the information provided by the persons claiming to be activists of the residential area.

“Please note that not all “activists” are residents of the Gagarinsky plateau, and some of them use this situation in bad faith.

In addition, we want to emphasize that the construction or preparatory work on the Gagarinsky plateau are several companies and generalizations when covering conflict situations create a false negative perception in society in relation to those developers who have no relation to this conflict”, – stressed in the “Kamerton”.