Global demand in the world of oil has fallen to a minimum
over the last 25 years, write about it
journalists of the world media, citing the message of the International energy Agency.

Agency experts said that, despite the
oil deal, the situation remains difficult: in the next
several weeks of free capacities for storage of oil can be exhausted to keep
black gold will be simply nowhere.

So there is a low demand for oil in recent times
fixed only 1995.

The energy experts of the Agency note that in
all of the current year the demand for black gold in the world will shrink by a record 9.3 million
barrels/day, eliminating the accumulated demand growth in almost a decade.

In this case, after the publication of the findings of the world prices for
oil fell below $ 30 per barrel.

Agency experts warn that excess
purchased in stocks at bargain prices. Available capacity for oil storage

The expected growth stocks in the first half of 2020 “threatens
in the coming weeks to overwhelm the logistics of oil tankers, pipelines and
ground storage”.

Putin listened to Sechin and lose in an “oil war”, “zeroing the Saudis did not work!”

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Earlier Диалог.UA reported that the cause of the fall in oil prices immediately after the signing of the deal, OPEC+: “the War continues”.

Also, Goldman Sachs explained why oil prices will continue to fall, despite OPEC deal+.