Number of people, that uvajaut scho Ukraine Varto Orti on Rosy, pwdn I shod country STA less, nevertheless snigula first number pribyv Evropeiskogo vector development
About TSE SWAT APRILJUNE from Facebook results dozen middle italv eight pudenda I shaneh areas, conducted by GfK for company zamovlennya Institute masowa formats for Patrice USAID.
People zapytali about h the priorities have viber basic jerel nformats (TB Internet) about those for ACO methylene stink vykorystovuyutsia Socal merezhi I. that same, Vukovi rozpodil for gerolami formats.
Also respondents asked volovici svoï poltics upodobania through the prism wine Russia against the Ukraine, I nazvati vector, in yakomu on h Dumka, it should be razvivatsa Ukraine.
Moreover, opisanim zaproponowali ranzhirovany CIM top-so I rospoli, aka nformat m brake in the media APR.
Z asuvale scho vasotec people, that vykorystovuyutsia telebachennya, CIR regions snigula – 3% W 2016 roku, and Internetu – srota (5%).
TB opiton to devletsah in the first cargo through flmi (the first meeting place) and news (the other), and Internet sukuti video/teleprogram (zrostannya 4% porwnania s minulym rock) and spellouts (zrostannya 9%).
More polovini respondents (56%) in quality of the main sources nformat about pod called Nazionale TB, 11 – Ukrainian city , 8% – sozleri. Lachey skin SOTI saying scho npharmacy VIN Atria on rosiyskih sites I TB.
Have polovini of opicana her account though in Ogni s social traps.
Zrostannya popularnost Vkontakte for year — 2% (W 37до 39) Classmates trachyte posits (b 33% to 32 snizilis) and Facebook nabira popularnosti (from 14% to 19%). Also srota number koristuvach in Instagram – zrostannya z AR4 8% and Twitter – W 4 to 5%.
In poznatih areas snizilis z 13% to 10% number of quiet, hto marvel at BK Russie, I, z 24% to 22% provadijska of alastani gromadyan.
Quietly, people believe, that Ukraine got booty “neutral” in 2017 year — 41% (36% from view from the past). 27% wapuli “don’t know” to questions about those, that vector should be pay the country.
Skin third in Tsikh areas of blame at win on shod country Uryadov Ukraine (there was more by 2% than view from the past year). Taka W number of perekonna scho slomo wine Rosiya.
Boyovikiv to vinati 17% (12 — view from the past), and “hand-Time” in this bacati 16% .