Scandalous Ukrainian journalist wrote a long post on the Network, dedicated to Saint Spyridon.

Wife of godfather Putin Victor Medvedchuk Oksana Marchenko on his page in Instagram open up about her trip to
the island of Corfu, reports “Диалог.UA”.

Scandalous TV presenter admitted that he likes
Saint Spyridon and tries every year to go to worship his relics.
In addition, she said that local organize a Procession where the relics are
Holy vertically, emphasizing that the monk alive.

Marchenko admitted that she once received
healing from a terrible burn and now often comes to Corfu to pray and
to thank the Saint.

Previously, the wife godfather Putin pounced on the Ukrainians
because of the de-Russification of Ukraine.

Recall, the wife of a Pro-Russian policy ran into
the wrath of social media for insulting the Ukrainian language and people.

Also Marchenko may 9 called nationalism hearth
fascism and showed a strange picture.