Odessa, the company has awarded more than 100 million UAH, – SBU

The money was allocated for repair of roads
Employees of the security Service of Ukraine it was established that the group of companies of Odessa awarded more than 100 million hryvnia during the execution of orders for the construction and repair of roads in different regions of Ukraine.
Reports a press about it-service SBU.
“Dealers have used the schemes of tax evasion, overstating the value of the work performed and the materials used. The total amount appropriated just over two years businessmen is more than 100 million hryvnia,” – said in the message.
It is noted that the owners and top managers of the companies colluded with the organisers of procurement to obtain contracts.
Decisions of the court proved evasion by entrepreneurs from paying taxes in the amount of UAH 5 million.
According to the examination results, poor performance by contractors affect the safety of transport infrastructure and led to millions of losses of budgets of different levels.
The result of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine fined the company more than 37 million UAH, and forbade the participation in public tenders for three years.
At the moment the criminal proceedings pending before the court.