Video Odessa flayer received 7,5 years of prison

The sentence to Maxim Litvin has not yet entered into force

07.03.19 786850

7 March the Kyiv district court of Odessa was found guilty in animal cruelty Maxim Litvin and sentenced him to 7.5 years of imprisonment.

This was reported on the website of the Odessa trial.

Having considered the matter, the court found him guilty of a criminal offense under part 3 article 299 of the criminal code and sentenced him to 6 years imprisonment.

The court also attached to the sentence and part of the unserved term of the previous sentence. The final sentence is 7 years and 6 months. The verdict has not yet entered into force.

  • See ALSO: Beating the cat with a rubber truncheon cost Kiev knacker six months of his release


Note, within a few months of 2018 cohabitant of the accused through Facebook took into the house of kittens who were under the care of volunteers, after which violently Litvin abused animals – were beaten and doused with boiling water.

After it became known about mockeries – the man was beaten.

As previously reported by the Focus:

  • In the village Sosenki Kiev region detained a couple of cohabitants, who under the guise of a volunteer collected purebred dogs and cats for sale. However, many animals died.
  • Globinsky district, Poltava region has sentenced a local resident to six years in prison for abusing a cat.
  • Oktyabrsky district court of Kharkiv sentenced to 3 years and 4 months in prison a 51-year-old man for a contract killing shepherd.