For this decision voted more than 300 people.
The first community in the Odessa oblast passed into ptsu / photo UNIAN

The community of St. Demetrius Puzhaikove the village of Balta district of Odessa region announced the transition of former Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the MP (Moscow Patriarchate) the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

See also the Ukrainian Autocephalous Church has already crossed 100 former parishes of the UOC-MP media

On this “Radio Liberty” reported the press Secretary of the Odessa-Balta eparchy father Theodore Orobets.

According to him, the decision was supported by more than 300 people.

“The community has expressed the wish that the village was created the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Was the appropriate Protocol was signed, a document handed of the Odessa regional state administration. At the Baptism, and today served in the village Church as a priest of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine”, – he told.

The father of Theodore Orobets noted that Odessa region is the first case when the community started and brought to an end the case of the transition to the PCU.

According to the former of the UOC (MP) at the end of December 2018, this Church consisted of 12 092 parishes in Ukraine.

Recall, January 6, in Istanbul at the residence of the Ecumenical Patriarch at the Phanar, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew solemnly handed over to the head of the newly formed Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Epiphanius a Tomos of recognition of Autocephalous canonical ptsu.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 17 January adopted an amendment to the current law “On freedom of conscience and religious organizations”, which enable the religious community to move from one Church to another.

After the Orthodox Church of Ukraine received the Tomos document on autocephaly from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Orthodox community should choose to stay in a former Church or join a new one. The bill prescribes how it can be done.