Nova portion srednik. That Ukrainian muzikanti trumpower from Moscow
May 29, 2017
29 may, 2017, 10:02
Have. Krasnogorsky, scho pid Moscow, waboose vrucina musicno Prem channel RU.TV
About TSE powders RU.TV.
From Russie waboose nagarajuna VII Russian musicno Prem channel RU.TV
Space On lorac otrimali Peremoga have nomac “Best duet”, the group “Fungi” vignali “Nikraim the start,” the group “Time and Glass” taking nagradu “Nycrama pisnyu”.
Svitlana Loboda, that vchora sruli concert in Odes became paramonia two awards – “Best creative” and “best instant spacca”. , pereversev lachey FLP Karkarov. He took three statuettes, to words, one of them the artist trimas have nomac “Kno the music” for pisnyu Ini Bilik “love”.
Loboda, I. Boule Karkarov one iz chotiroh veduchikh nagarajuna.
Zaznaczono scho tsogo rock in vpershe z istoriï Prem’yavylasya nominata “Best CLP, znati in the Krim”. For Peremoga slagalica n’yat wykonawca, that conducted Semana video there postrow cream.