In the self-proclaimed Luhansk people’s Republic have completed the search and rescue operation at the mine “Shinkaron” in the village of yuryevka. From the rubble removed the bodies of all 17 miners who were underground at the time of explosion of methane. LC authorities promised to provide all necessary assistance to the families of the victims and declared 29 April a day of mourning. Note that the place of the accident an employee of the EMERCOM of Russia arrived in Donbass at the request of the LC.

  • Reuters
  • © Alexander Ermochenko

The self-proclaimed authorities of the Luhansk national Republic declared a day of mourning Monday, April 29, in connection with the death of miners on mine “Shinkaron” in the village of yurivka Lutugino district of the LC. Across the country will be flown at half-mast flags, cultural institutions and TV and radio companies are recommended to cancel entertainment programs and events.

The head of the Republic Leonid beekeeper expressed condolences to the families of the victims and all those affected.

“In commemoration of the citizens of LC that died as a result of an emergency situation arising in connection with the accident that occurred on April 25, 2019 at the mine “Shinkaron”, expressing grief to their families and friends, as well as all the victims… I decree: to declare April 29, 2019 a day of mourning in LNR”, — stated in the decree.

The victims of the tragedy in the village of yurivka Lutugino district were 17 people. The bodies of all the dead miners were recovered from the rubble. We will remind that on mine “Shinkaron” on the morning of 25 April, there was a methane explosion.

“The tragedy at the mine “Shinkaron” claimed the lives of 17 miners. Their bodies were brought to the surface. I am sure that today all the Donbass, all Russia empathize with the relatives and friends of the victims,” wrote the beekeeper on Twitter.

The self-proclaimed leader of the Luhansk national Republic added that the authorities will provide all necessary assistance and support to the families of the victims and the victims, they will also be paid compensation.

The gallery

Mine “Shinkaron”, located in lutuginsky district of the LC, is one of the coal-mining enterprises of the Republic. The extracted energy is supplied to Alchevsk iron and steel works, as well as in the NPT — at the metallurgical enterprises of Makeyevka and Yenakiyevo. Note that the coal mining at “Chickenbone” was not conducted due to the active hostilities in the region in the past 3.5 years, since the second half of 2014. The mine was reopened in January 2018.

The help of the Russian rescuers

Note that in the search and rescue operation near the city of Lugansk were involved in the detachment of the rescuers EMERCOM of Russia in Rostov region. Russian rescuers arrived at the accident site on the morning of 26 April.

“At the request of the Luhansk authorities to assist in liquidation of consequences of emergency situations of Russia sent out of town the Mine rescuers stationed in the Rostov region, necessary for carrying out of rescue works equipment”, — stated in the message of EMERCOM in the region.

After completing the search and rescue operation staff of the Russian Ministry went to the place of permanent deployment.

In a press-service Ministry of emergency situations LC noted that the Russian colleagues provided invaluable assistance in the rescue efforts. It is emphasized that all the tasks have been fully implemented. Along with this, rescuers from Russia also gave the colleagues from Lugansk the rescue equipment.

The head of the Republic Leonid beekeeper also expressed gratitude to rescuers from Russia, responded to a request for assistance.

“I want to thank the staff and rescue services participating in liquidation of consequences of the accident for the well-coordinated and efficient work. Special thanks for the assistance and support of the brotherly Russia”, — he said.

“Man is so constituted, that they believe in a miracle until the last”

At the scene of an incident in the village of yurivka Lutugino district LC also arrived RT crew. The channel correspondent Roman Kosarev spoke about what he saw, being near the epicenter of the tragedy.

“For me it’s not the first and unfortunately not the last such survey. The cause of the accident will probably be announced later, but dead men will not return”, — he stressed.

According to him, in the beginning of the search and rescue everyone knew that the chances of finding any of the trapped people under the rubble are negligible.

“On Friday morning to the mine began to arrive relatives of the buried underground miners. At that time the surface was raised only two bodies. Soberly assessing the situation and talking with the miners on the spot, I knew that the survivors will not. Too many relatives knew it, but man is so constructed that believe in a miracle until the last” — he said.

“It is impossible to forget those eyes, full of hope when I arrived the bus with another group of workers who finished their shift. Women and men looked into the coal stained face walked into the locker room of the miners, hoping to see his man. But it was not their home,” stated the correspondent RT.