23 February can be the real Day of defense, when all men on Earth will enter into the most that neither is the battle with the aliens.

Sure scientists decode the alien signal from space. And all this will stand again a lethal Nibiru, which was not going to stop trying to destroy humanity, reports “Диалог.UA”.

As it became known, a group of scientists from the International Federation for the study of paranormal phenomena and UFOlogy deciphered an ancient manuscript. It was found in one of the tombs in the pyramid of Cheops.

Making the translation of the relics, the experts were stunned. In the text it was said that at the end of February 2019 to orbit the Earth will fly Nibiru. After that, the planet-killer would start a war with the human race.

Moreover, not long ago, British astrologers have received and decoded the signal from space.

“Attack, destroy, and 0.2 light years,” reads part of the text.

Comparing all the data, the researchers came to the conclusion that Nibiru is on its way and humanity will soon need to prepare for the invasion of the planet-killer. From the planet-destroyer spaceships will start that will start a real fighter attack on the human race.

One of the reasons why Nibiru and its Anunnaki do not want to leave the planet, the enormous deposits of gold and palladium. Indeed, in addition to their use in jewelry, these metals are widely used in electric appliances and other devices.

According to scientists, about the approach of Nibiru know all the heads of major global corporations, so have already started to prepare for day X.

“In many States the army will go reactivate innovative weapons development and testing has been delayed. The US has already test the operation of its laser systems, which were developed 2 years ago,” admitted the scientists, explaining that humanity is too little time for salvation.

Experts stressed that if all the predictions are true, that 23 February on Earth will the real carnage, the result of which is death of the Earth.

Recall that in the frame were attack Nibiru on the Sun.

It was also reported that stolen alien Nibiru the American has been in contact with his wife.