Last Friday, just created the Space forces of the United States published on the official page in Twitter a photo of his first uniform. It is made in camouflage colours as their colleagues from the army and the air force. The only difference – the arm-badge with the emblem of Cosmic forces.

The reaction of the denizens of Twitter were quite unexpected. Apparently, users of the social network was waiting for something unusual and futuristic, and saw a mediocre army camouflage allowing you to “merge” except that the leaves and mud.

In short, Twitter is filled with thousands of funny comments like: “why do we need camouflage in space…?”, “Isn’t she supposed to be black with the little planets on it?”, “This is a form for foresters?” and then in the same spirit. Some users have even begun to offer their own versions of the military space uniforms.

A day later, commanders of Space forces was forced to respond to this raging torrent of criticism:

“USSF use the existing form identical to the form of the army and air force, thereby saving funds for the design and production of new forms.”

In the next tweet followed by a sequel:

“Space operators are on the Ground interacting with their partners from the air force and army. Therefore, we use the same uniform.”
Source — The New York Times