Ncorpus of Ukraine staged a “March of Ukrainian order” in Odessa on may 2. Hundreds of activists took part in it.
Footage from the March of nationalists has already appeared in the Network, reports “Диалог.UA”.
Today, may 2, the anniversary of the tragic Odessa events. 5 years ago the Pro-Russian forces provoked the massacre, which killed fifty civilians. So far, the propaganda of the Russian Federation “marking on the bones” of the victims for their own selfish purposes.
Ncorpus on this day staged a “March of Ukrainian order” in Odessa. They have this promotion given to understand by Moscow and its agents in Ukraine, will not allow the “Russian world” to turn the city into a new Donbass.
Several hundred activists marched through the centre of Odessa with Ukrainian flags. They chanted Patriotic slogans: “Odessa is Ukraine“, “Glory to Ukraine – glory to heroes!” and others.
The March was held under police guard. No clashes were reported. And no wonder – the separatists are quickly “turned” their few shares and did as soon as started the “March of the Ukrainian order”.
“Odesa TSE Ukraina”
— Michael Shtekel (@mishajedi) May 2, 2019
March Ukrayinsky order prodoljatsia
— Michael Shtekel (@mishajedi) May 2, 2019
Ncorpus staged a “March of the Ukrayinsky order” in Odes
— Hromadske.UA (@HromadskeUA) May 2, 2019
We will remind, earlier “Диалог.UA” reported that in Odessa arrested 15-the summer girl t-shirt with the banned symbols.